How To Calculate Site Cost?

The site cost is determined by specific physical factors relating to the siting of your home (for example fall of land and soil condition). Every site is different and specific technical reports for instance the Geo-Technical Engineer for the soil classification will be required to determine the bearing capacity of the soil. Also as another example, will be the site contour as to how much slope is on the site, which will determine how much soil is removed, or footing design required to suit the dwelling and site contour design.

The information contained in each of these reports and surveys has the potential to influence the total site cost. Our team at Arlington Homes will interpret this information and we estimate and itemise site cost and detailed siting will be produced as part of our preliminary contracts presentation.

The conditions of the planning permit and local council zoning can also influence the total site cost. A typical situation is where local municipalities are now requiring more stormwater and retention system to be held and maintained on-site.

What are the Typical Costs in a Site Establishment?

The overall site cost will be site and council specific but may include the following:

Site Works

As previously mentioned sites with major contours may have a greater need for site cutting and filling and the provision of retaining walls. As a rule of thumb, sites with more fall are going to have higher site works cost associated with them. The site works cost may include the following:

Foundation Level

  • Change in the Slab & Footing design
  • Site cut or fill depended on the type of design of the new dwelling!
  • Retaining walls (brick or timber)

Connections and Services

Some potential connections and services that are required throughout the development may incur additional costs including:

  • Underground power pit
  • Additional water tapping requirements (Wet and dry tapping)
  • Additional sewer requirements (for example new sewer tie, upgrade of an existing tie, and relevant permits.)


There are a variety of additional potential costs including:

  • Termite protection
  • OH&S Requirements
  • Some potential OH&S requirements that may incur additional costs include:
  • Additional site cleans
  • Temporary fencing
  • Cranage of materials including spotter and dogman
  • Associate electrical authority requirements due to power lines
  • Double handling
  • Crushed rock to the driveway for heavy vehicle access
  • Additional scaffolding
  • Tree protection requirements

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